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Subject: 120-Shabak_&_Politics_4_93
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Report No. 120 Israel Shahak, 16 April 1993
Shabak's influence on Israeli politics
On Fridays Israeli TV summarizes the news of the week. The program is
considered politically the most meaningful of all TV broadcasts. On
Friday, April 2, 1993 its editor, Gad Sukenik, devoted about 10 minutes to
a discussion of implications of the recurrent scandals involving the Chief
of Shabak. As will be seen below, the program had its repercussions. It
was aired a week after the Shabak Chief's term of office was extended by
the Prime Minister for the sixth time. Sukenik was not allowed to mention
this fact which was disclosed only later. The entire Hebrew press
nevertheless kept commenting on his program for the next two weeks or so.
The debate on Shabak in general and on the qualities and qualifications of
its Chief has been lively, even if in my view still short of providing the
full picture. Scandals involving Shabak have cropped up since 1984. But
under its current Chief they have turned into an avalanche. This report
will deal with the scandals of the last 2 years and their implications.
On the evening the program was broadcast, Rabin was quick to declare his
"full support for the Chief of Shabak". He added that the (state-owned
Israeli) TV "should be condemned for scolding him", which by the way was
not true, because Sukenik refrained from evaluations. Shulamit Aloni, who
as the Education and Culture minister is responsible for the TV, didn't
hesitate to officially define the program as "not newsworthy", and
"motivated by somebody's desire to screw the Shabak Chief with all the
spite possible". She hurried to say it prior to the government meeting of
April 4. Other ministers and high officials echoed her insinuations
("Hadashot", April 4). At the weekly meeting of the Israeli government,
much of that government's precious time was spent on speeches condemning
TV in general and Sukenik's program in particular. The ministers,
especially Shulamit Aloni and Yossi Sarid, of Meretz, sought to outdo each
other in parroting Rabin's denunciations of TV. Rabin's adjectives were
"yellow", "disgusting" and other in the same vein. Shulamit Aloni
discovered that "the Israeli TV hurt Shabak's struggle against terror" and
announced that she "had summoned" the TV directors, in the first place the
News Department Director, in order to hear their explanations why did they
consider that program newsworthy, what professional reasons did they have
for broadcasting it and what possible "factors" may have prompted them to
broadcast it. However, Aloni's inquisitorial investigation, unprecedented
in Israel, didn't ultimately take place, since unexpectedly the affair was
taking its turn against the Chief of Shabak. In the first place, Likud
took advantage of it to posture as defenders of the freedom of dissent.
Its worst hawks, such as MK Michael Eitan, with justice accused Aloni of
"MacCarthyist practices", and said that "her claim that the Israeli TV
hurts Shabak's struggle against terror was patently absurd" ("Hadashot",
April 7). She was also denounced by some press commentators, but not by
any Meretz or Labor politicians ("Hadashot" and other papers, April 7).
Journalist friends of Shabak were quick to parrot the ministers. Ran
Edelist ("Hadashot", April 4), whose close connections with Shabak's Chief
will be yet commented on later, opined that Shabak should be immune from
criticism, because "terror must be quashed, peace process must go on, and
these two purposes now require an effectual and well-performing Shabak".
(In my view it is undeniable that Shabak is indeed advancing the "peace
process" as Israel conceives of it, by virtue of trying hard to recruit
respectable Palestinian collaborators.) For those urgent reasons, opines
Edelist, "the task of purging the Shabak must be deferred" until these two
goals are achieved. As mentioned in my report 116 and elsewhere, Shabak
claims that its ranks are comprised in majority of the adherents of
Zionist "left". In my view the claim is factually correct, except that it
needs to be explained by the impact of Stalinism upon those "leftists".
Edelist's call for deferring the "purge" of Shabak until its combats with
external enemies are crowned by victory resembles closely the usual
apologias in defense of Stalin's regime, in particular the apologias for
the crimes of Stalin's secret police. The typical argument then proffered
also was that a relaxation of the Soviet state terror must be deferred
until "the enemies of the revolution" are defeated.
Next, Edelist proceeds to outline the background of what he names "a
conspiracy" against the innocent Chief of Shabak which reached its
culmination in Sukenik's program. He admits that in the last two years,
"inter-departmental squabbles, blood vendettas, promotions and demotions"
have abounded in Shabak, but exactly as "they abound in any other Israeli
institution. The campaign against the current Chief stemmed from nothing
more than envy of two rivals of his, seeking to cut the ground from under
his feet. They intrigued with the internal Comptroller of Shabak, who
under their pressure produced a report, brought to the notice of the then
Prime Minister, Yitzhak Shamir". The words "brought to the notice" sound
pretty innocuous, but they help Edelist conceal another scandal. The
report was not forwarded to Shamir's notice through normal official
channels. What actually happened was at the time described by the press in
detail. One morning Shamir found on his desk a mysterious envelope placed
there "by persons unknown". After opening it, he found the report in
question, appended by some juicy but unsigned revelations about Shabak's
Chief. "Shamir consulted the retired Supreme Court Judge, Moshe Landau,
who had investigated Shabak's recurrent perjuries in the courts and the
official Committees of Inquiry, and who had approved the use of "moderate
physical pressure" (i.e. torture). "Landau found the contents of the
envelope disturbing enough" to make Shamir decide to appoint general
(reserves) Rafael Vardi to investigate the goings-on within Shabak. Not
much is known about Vardi's and other investigations; but what is known
will be discussed below. I have my doubts about the veracity of Edelist's
information that as soon as Vardi's report was completed, "the Chief of
Shabak appeared in Shamir's office professing his readiness to resign, on
the ground of being unable to hold on when his own organization was filled
with knife-stabbers eager to kill him". Shamir told him he will consider
his offer to resign, but he allowed the Chief of Shabak to "dismiss the
chief conspirator from the service" and to punish another "conspirator".
But his attempts to get rid of all his foes, the internal Comptroller
included, were foiled by what Edelist alternately calls "balance of fear"
and "powerful backing" the thus threatened individuals could mobilize.
Meanwile Shamir decided not to decide whether or not to extend the Shabak
Chief's term for another year. On taking over, Rabin decided to extend his
term on the ground that "what was right for Shamir will be also right for
himself as a continuator of Shamir's policies". According to Edelist "the
charitable attitude of both Shamir and Rabin towards the Chief of Shabak
had deep political reasons".
Such "political reasons" could in my view be only of the most sinister
kind. They nevertheless must have influenced not only Edelist but also
other Hebrew press columnists. All Hebrew papers of April 4 and 5 were
filled by articles reporting how the Chief of Shabak "was boiling with
anger" at the TV's temerity (Nahum Barnea, "Yediot Ahronot", April 4) or,
even more typically, praising him to the skies while scolding Gad Sukenik.
(The "Jerusalem Post" considered it more prudent to keep mum about the
affair.) In view of similarity of their contents to Edelist's arguments, I
will refrain from reporting them. But a backlash was coming, apparently
prompted by evidence of the sinister intercessions of political and
military figures in Shabak's favor. The first to reveal the extent of
those pressures and to denounce them was Orit Shohat ("Haaretz", April 7).
She wrote: "Right after the broadcast, the TV was flooded with phonecalls
from Shabak's Chief's friends. News Department found itself under pressure
to cancel the program from the moment it sought to gauge the reactions of
the Prime Minister and Shabak's Chief. Some vented their indignation in
direct phonecalls to Rabin, while others called the TV correspondent and
the News Department director, demanding his immediate response. Even
before the broadcast was over, somebody phoned the TV from the personal
office of the Prime Minister, announcing that the P.M. "supported Shabak's
Chief unconditionally". After the broadcast the outpour of declarations in
support was sped up. "The Housing minister [Ben-Eliezer, Labor] and the
Quality of Environment minister [Sarid, Meretz] both defended Shabak's
Chief by saying that `we know him personally so well'. The chairman of
Likud [Knesset] faction and other politicians, journalists and generals,
whether on active service or in reserves said approximately the same: `We
know that he is OK. You better trust us'".
Encouraged by Shohat's courage. some other journalists joined her in
blaming Shabak's Chief and his supporters. The Hebrew press of next
Friday, April 9, presented already the affair as controversial. Some
papers published anti-Shabak and pro-Shabak columns side by side. (The
exception was "Al Hamishmar" which stood fast in Shabak's support.) A pro-
Shabak point of view was presented in detail and lucidity by Edelist in
another article ("Index", "Hadashot", April 9) which deserves to quoted
extensively. "The reason for which the politicians behave as they do is
simple. Israeli politicians avoid antagonizing the Chief of Shabak.
Fullstop. They do so not on the ground of their knowledge of problems at
issue, but primarily out of other considerations. They don't know what
records the Shabak vaults may contain about them, or their relatives, or
their friends male and female, or their parties, or their real incomes.
Some may consider my words a joke. But the fact is that an [Israeli]
politician who would be amused on hearing them has not yet been born. The
name of the game is the accessibility of [Shabak's] files on individuals
not defined as targets of intelligence gathering. The files of those who
are so defined are for the most part computerized, so as to be accessible
when necessary with the permission of [Shabak's] department or division
head in charge. But the contents of files on Israeli citizens not defined
as targets of intelligence gathering are a case apart. In theory, the
signatures of two department heads are then needed. But since such files
are not computerized, there is no way of finding out in whose hands are
they kept, especially since there are no records showing by whom a given
file might have been inspected. This is why the politicians are afraid to
oppose [the Shabak]". For the first time ever such candid talk - in my
view perfectly accurate - has been allowed to appear in the Hebrew media.
I find it quite remarkable that in spite of a time lapse after Edelist's
article was published, his facts have been neither denied, nor allowed to
be discussed by other columnists. I tend to attribute it to Edelist's
special relationship with Shabak, to be yet described below, owing to
which he was in the position to influence military censorship. But an
alternative explanation is also possible. Perhaps Edelist's article could
see the light precisely because too many politicians and journalists and
other influential figures not defined as targets of intelligence gathering
feared those files deposited in "Shabak's vaults" and their potential use.
In order to make his "connections" implicitely clear, Edelist discloses
much from the contents of the above-mentioned report of general (reserves)
Vardi, which no one else was allowed to disclose. He boasts that "My name
figured in one section of this report. From a source other than Shabak's
Chief (and I hope I will be trusted on that score) I learned that when the
Shabak Chief had been interrogated by Vardi about my case, his answers
were not accurate, perhaps because he did not trust Vardi enough to tell
him the whole truth about all the intricacies of the system's pertinent
operations. But the Shabak Chief told the whole truth to Shamir, even if
not to Vardi. And Shamir accepted his clarifications for `professional'
reasons. I really have to apologize for telling my personal story in so
comically self-commiserating and cryptic a manner, but I have no other way
to disclose the information without risking to have the whole thing banned
by censorship". It should be recalled that Vardi was formally appointed as
an investigator with full powers by the Prime Minister, who is supposed to
be Shabak's superior. If Shabak's Chief considered his links with Mr.
Edelist too sensitive to be disclosed to Vardi (a consideration of dubious
legality), then those links must have been very close and vital. This does
not preclude the possibility that the Shabak may have had similar links
also with other Hebrew press commentators. In my long-standing view,
however, when compared to anyone else's, Edelist's connections have been
unrivalled in their intimacy. Fortunately, not all journalists desire to
have such connections, and some even oppose having them.
According to Edelist, "Vardi's report included the report of internal
Comptroller of Shabak, which listed the claims concerning Shabak's Chief's
conduct. The claims included prodigal spending, arbitrary use of the
[1945] Defense Regulations, and self-serving interpretation of rules
related to field security and to disclosures to the media". Edelist goes
into great length to demonstrate that all these accusations had their
origins in the genuinely democratic personality of Shabak's Chief, who
realized that the world was becoming more and more open and that Shabak,
himself included, had no choice but to follow suit. It can be seen that
Edelist does a snow job here. Other journalists have presented the
situation differently. Nahum Barnea ("Yediot Ahronot", April 9) who also
should be extensively quoted, wrote that "in the middle of 1991 Shabak was
involved in another affair, perhaps less sensational but no less
consequential. A year and half before, Khaled Sheikh Ali. 27, a [suspected
by Shabak] member of the Islamic Jihad, died in the Shabak section of the
Gaza prison. Two Shabak agents responsible for his death were subsequently
put on trial. In September 1991 the Supreme Court dismissed their appeal,
approving the sentence of each for 6 months of prison. As far as it can be
known, this was the first instance of sentencing the Shabak operatives for
prison term in Israel's history. The Supreme Court sternly rebuffed the
warning of Shabak's Chief, that a verdict of this kind could adversely
affect the quality of other operatives' performance. As soon as the two
operatives realized they would actually go to jail, they agreed to talk.
The Deputy Attorney General, Rachel Sukar, was appointed to investigate
the affair. Like Vardi, she interrogated Shabak's department heads. Her
investigation was confined to the affair of the death in the Gaza prison,
but she discovered that not only tortures, but also the `culture of lying'
had flourished as ever before. In other words, in spite of the [retired]
Supreme Court Judge Landau's condemnation of this `culture' in a report
submitted two years earlier, nothing has changed.
"The [Sukar] report was classified top secret, and shown only to 10
persons, among them the Prime Minister, the Head of the Judicial System
[i.e. the Supreme Court Judge Shamgar] and Landau. Shabak's Chief said
that he knew nothing about the affair, as the matter involved only a
single prison installation and two low-ranking operatives. The System
[i.e. those who really rule over Israel] got very angry, but the
explanation was nevertheless accepted. One of Shabak's seniors was demoted
from a very high post to a slightly lower one. Because of that, a group of
disgruntled troublemakers plotting intrigues against Shabak's Chief from
within grew by one memeber". Much of Barnea's information, including the
very existence of Sukar's investigation and the fact that Shabak's Chief
issued warnings to the Supreme Court, was previously unknown. Yet I trust
the accuracy of that information.
Still more interesting facts about the Shabak's Chief were disclosed by
Amnon Abramovitz (Maariv, April 9). As Abramovitz himself admits, he was a
zealous defender of Shabak and of its Chief until two years ago. Even
today he boasts that an article of his written about two years ago in
Shabak's Chief's defense convinced Shamir, "who, I was told, read it very
carefully", to retain Shabak's Chief in his post. Abramovitz's position
then was that, much as Shabak's perjuries to the courts or to the
government and its inquiry committees and investigators had been
unqualifiedly reprehensible, Shabak learned its lesson and wouldn't
perjure itself any more. He also firmly supported Shabak's use of torture
(under its official name of "moderate physical pressure") as needed not
only for fighting terrorism, but above all else, for reaching peace and
securing a withdrawal from the bulk of the Territories. He has always
advocated hawkish positions while fancying himself as a moderate. With
such a past, Abramovitz now has good grounds to criticize Shabak
mercilessly. He changed his views in the fall of 1992. His first attack on
Shabak, described in my report 111 dated October 4, 1992, became a
sensation of sorts. At that time he dealt primarily with sex life and
customary mendacity of people close to Shabak's Chief. Now he goes much
deeper. His unprecedented attack on Shabak deserves close attention.
Abramovitz says that he changed his views about Shabak's Chief after
hearing that the following persons formed negative opinions about the
Shabak's Chief after acquainting themselves with the Vardi report: Dan
Meridor, the Justice minister in Likud government, Yoseph Harish, the
Attorney General since 1987, Dorit Beinish, the General Director of
Justice ministry, and colonel Azri'el Nevo who served 20 years as the
military secretary of 4 successive Prime Ministers until he was recently
dismissed by Rabin, who sent him away by appointing him a military attache
in London. But more than by anybody else, Abramovitz says he was
influenced by the retired Supreme Court Judge Landau whom he indentifies
as "a judge who more than anyone else was ready to take into account the
security needs and requirements as a valid consideration in his verdicts.
Also in his famous report dealing with Shabak's interrogations, Landau
wrote that terrorists who do not recognize the State of Israel's right to
exist cannot expect that the State of Israel will respect their human
rights. He is security-minded to the hilt". Landau's low opinion about the
Shabak's Chief must have found its way to Abramovitz. Otherwise it would
be difficult to explain how could the latter know that the Shabak Chief
"had sent an enormous garland of flowers" to Landau precisely when he was
acquainting himself with Vardi's report; or how could Abramovitz know that
Landau "had the same day donated those flowers to a home for the elderly
in Jerusalem". Anyway, Landau reached the conclusion that "that individual
shouldn't stay in his post even one day more".
It is worth noting that since the time when Landau could be presumed to
have expressed this conclusion, he has been repeatedly accused of being
responsible for the Intifada and Shabak's failure to capture the Hamas
militants, due to his "handcuffing the Shabak" (a favorite phrase of some
pro-Shabak journalists) by refusing to give Shabak the green light to use
torture as deemed fit. The accusations of Landau in this vein are old
stuff, but in recent weeks they became rather vociferous and vicious. Such
slanders were also expressed in an interview by the Deputy Chief of Staff,
general Amnon Shahak (Maariv April 5) regarded, also by Abramovitz, as
Shabak's Chief's closest friend. The general's wife, Tal Lipkin-Shahak, a
journalist affiliated with "Davar", known to be on friendly terms with
Shabak's Chief and his current mistress, has been reputed to be the stage-
manager of the entire journalistic crusade against Gad Sukenik.
Landau, whom Abramovitz describes as "far from being a leftist", let it
be known that "he felt this week that he should do something to protect
that young and diligent TV correspondent, Gad Sukenik... But Landau needs
not worry, because the realities are much worse than Sukenik described in
his TV program". Abramovitz then proceeds to talk about "the astonishing
facts which have come to my attention, some of which I have managed to
convey to my readers obliquely. About how Shabak's Chief routinely
reported his private travels as travels on duty. About how a terrorist
suspect captured in the Jenin district [of West Bank], confessed under
interrogation of having been a good friend of Shabak's Chief. `What?'
asked the astonished interrogator. `I am Berri's friend' repeated the
suspect, without referring to [the leader of the Lebanese Amal movement]
Nabi'ah Berri. About how a car repainted at the cost of thousands of
Shekels, was then replaced by another, which looked exactly like the car
of the chief of a rival agency [probably Mossad]. About suspicious
characters who knew and used a top secret phone and a top secret notebook.
About those girls from his family who would use his office as if it were
their home. And about the director of his private office. And about all
his deceit in establishing links with the newspapers, in intriguing behind
the back of the politicians, in faking a right winger while talking to
right wingers and a leftist while talking to leftists. And the whole story
of Feisal Husseini's Institute. And so on and so forth".
Let me clarify some of those hints on the basis of open sources to the
extent that I can. Following the publication of Abramovitz's article, even
the pro-Shabak journalists admitted that the Vardi report and other
official documents had indeed implicated Shabak's Chief for being on close
terms with some highly suspicious Palestinians from the Territories, for
whom he would intercede in exchange for personal favors. The journalist
friendly to Shabak's Chief defended him on the ground that the
Palestinians involved were collaborators to whom he wanted to express
personal appreciation for their services. The explanation strains
credibility. Of course, the Shabak (like any other secret police) does
reward collaborators. Yet, however important the task may be, it can
hardly be a personal duty of a chief of the service. There has been no
answer whatsoever to the more damning allegation of Shabak's Chief's
friendly relations with some "suspected of terrorist acitivity", which
inclines me to believe that the allegation might have been true. I myself
had such suspicions since some time, along with several other persons
reputed for their competence in Israeli politics. Who wins and who loses
in such relations is a question which can be answered only in the future.
Such suspicions can only be enhanced by Abramovitz's cryptic reference
to "the story of Feisal Husseini's Institute". The residents of Jerusalem
who keep their eyes open may find this reference not quite so cryptic as
it looks at first sight. The Orient House which is used as the office of
the Palestinian delegation to the "peace talks" is being guarded by not so
few burly guards, who can be posted there only with Shabak's consent,
which is unlikely to be granted for free. Khaled Abu-Tu'ama reported
("Yerushalaim", April 2) that "Shabak's cars are often sighted as they
arrive in the Orient House; and when they do, the guards prevent throwing
stones at them by the passersby". But by saying it, Abu-Tu'ama discovered
nothing new: it could have been seen by anybody bothering to look also
before. Moreover, some highly placed Israeli security officials, i.e the
commander of the Allenby bridge on the Jordan river and the officer in
charge of the Erez barrier, the main checkpoint of the Gaza Strip, were
lately discovered to have received bribes from some Palestinians, already
for a long time. In view of such facts, it can be surmised that some
Israeli power figures suspect that some murky "connections" of Shabak's
Chief were not maintained to serve the security of the state.
But there has been more to Shabak's Chief's misdeeds than Abramovitz
reveals in the quotes above. For he also refers to an article published in
"Time" Magazine of February 22, which bore the title "Under Fire at the
FBI. Accused of abusing the perks of his job, the director fiercely
defends himself. But he has succeeded only in spreading a rebellion from
within". Abramovitz was allowed by the military censorship to refer to the
article and even to append a photo of its quoted English title to his own
column. But he was not allowed to translate it nor to report the nature of
accusations against the FBI Chief. He had instead to content himself with
quips and allusions. For example: "I have read and reread the `Time' story
of February 22, and I had to develop a theory of my own: namely that
Shabak's Chief during his recurrent visits in the U.S. works there as the
Chief of FBI". Or: "Israelis really curious about the Shabak Chief's full
story are advised to make an effort to obtain that issue of `Time'. The
effort is by all means worth making". Or he calls upon Sheves, the
influential Director General of the Prime Minister's Office; upon Eitan
Haber, the director of the Prime Minister's private office, and even upon
Leah Rabin to acquaint themselves with the "Time" article so as to be in
the position to persuade Rabin to read the article for himself. Abramovitz
seems to thus imply that even Rabin doesn't know the whole truth about
Shabak's Chief. I doubt if this is the case.
The remainder of Abramovitz's article can be summarized briefly. It
deals with the meeting of Shabak's Chief's supporters held at night in his
home right after the Sukenik broadcast. A number of ideas were voiced
there, some subsequently carried out. According to Abramovitz, the flood
of articles in Shabak Chief's defense which appeared in the newspapers
within the next two days stemmed from one of the meeting's decisions. It
seems that Abramovitz says that not everybody attending that meeting was
quite so friendly toward Shabak's Chief. This could be the reason why the
contents of that meeting were pretty extensively described in some papers
as soon as April 9, also by Abramovitz. He refers to Amir Oren of" Davar"
calling him the first journalist who dared write some truth about the
Shabak Chief. He also says that since then "Shabak's Chief divides the
Hebrew press journalists into three categories: the `pines' [Oren means
`pine' in Hebrew], those safely in his pocket, and others".
Apparently, the meeting in question resolved to accuse the already
mentioned Azri'el Nevo of leaking some incriminating information to the
press, and the journalists "safely in Shabak's Chief's pocket" diligently
implemented that decision. Abramovitz notes that hints againts Nevo
appeared in all papers, to the point that "after reading the last Sunday's
[April 4] papers carefully, I came to the conclusion that the goal was to
convey the impression that Vardi's report, Zuker's report and the report
of Shabak's internal Comptroller dealt with the person of Azri'el Nevo
rather than with that of the Shabak Chief". Needless to say, the "pines",
Abramovitz included, hurried to defend Nevo in the papers of April 9. They
stressed how much was Nevo trusted by four Prime Ministers he had served
under, how he had never been involved in any scandal, and how strenuously
had he tried to prevent the 1982 invasion of Lebanon, (as recounted in my
report 104). It was on this occasion disclosed that Nevo had once been
Shabak's Chief's supporter, but later quarreled with him and then did his
best to persuade Shamir not to extend the Shabak Chief's term of office.
Abramovitz informs that "a source in the Security System this week said
that had Azri'el Nevo indeed been behind the leaks, the revelations would
have been much more deadly than they were". Let me conclude those matters
by quoting Abramovitz's final sentences: "The present [Israeli] government
blundered badly when its ministers unanimously voted [in favor of the mass
expulsion] forgetting to ask any questions about whom, where and how many.
Perhaps, and I wish it to be the case, Shabak's Chief deserves all the
support he has received. Still, I expect that ministers like Amnon
Rubinstein [Meretz], David Liba'i [Labor] or Yossi Sarid [Meretz] acquaint
themselves with all the evidence before raising their hand to vote".
Abramovitz may now belong to the "pines" while Edelist sits deep in
Shabak's Chief's pocket. Yet Edelist's information about why the
politicians fear the Shabak is in my view more revelatory that anything
Abramovitz revealed.
The implications of the Shabak Chief's affair became also the subject of
some deeper reflection. Aware that Rabin would dearly like to suppress any
public discussion of Shabak, Yoel Markus ("Haaretz", April 13) recalls how
"between June and August 1991" he wrote a series of articles against the
Shabak demanding thorough changes within the agency and greater openness
in letting its internal affairs be accesible to public inspection. Markus
correctly observes that in spite of the sensational character of the
revelations, "very few people know about the Vardi report and even about
the report of the internal Comptroller of Shabak, which had shocked Shamir
uttterly... Not one minister, including the members of the cabinet [a
small body of ministers dealing with top-secret matters], was allowed to
see either report. Neither report has been brought to the notice of the
Subcommittee on Secret Services of Knesset Committee on the Foreign and
Security Affairs, which is regarded in Israel as the most knowledgeable
and secretive body that exists. Some even doubt whether Rabin himself has
read the two reports. His unconditional support for Shabak's Chief comes
from his heart, and those on intimate terms with him say that the press
must be mad if it preoccupies itself with such nonsense". On this score,
Markus argues against Rabin with firmness. He reminds him that the
contents of the two reports shocked even Shamir, let alone Landau, Meridor
and Vardi, and that even prior to Sukenik's TV program they became mulled
over with great concern in the circles of Israelis in the know. He says
that "in the Prime Minister's office it is being said that, since Rabin
has already made his final decision, no further investigations of the
affair will be undertaken, so as to let that affair fade away", with
military censorship helping in the process, one must assume. Markus hits
Rabin's entourage hard for holding such views. "Their assessment is both
wrong and blundering... The affair cannot be just strangled". His views
are shared by "Hadashot" editor-in-chief Yoel Esteron ("Hadashot", April
14) and other prominent commentators leaning toward the center of the
political spectrum, but not by any supporter of either Labor or Meretz.
Still more convincing explanations of the implications of the affair
have been offered by Ze'ev Tzahor and Ya'kov Shavit (both in "Hadashot",
April 11). Both are professional historians, and both see the affair
against the background of political and social history of Israel. Tzahor
perceives Shabak's role in corrupting Israeli politics, as sufficienctly
evidenced by the still partial information recorded in this report, as a
product of widespread corruption within Israeli body politic which
according to him has been rampant since the foundation of the State of
Israel in 1948. (I can only extend his time perspective, pointing to all
the corruption rampant also in pre-state Zionist institutions.) But Tzahor
is right in pointing out that Levi Eshkol, "whose task was to oversee the
entire apparatus of the state", first as Ben-Gurion's Finance minister and
then as the Prime Minister until 1969, "treated corruption as something
perfectly natural". More to the point, Eshkol and everybody in the Labor
movement, i.e the political ancestors of the present Labor and Meretz,
treated corruption as a useful tool of preservation of their power. Tzahor
doesn't say it, and he overrates Ben-Gurion's atttempts to stamp out
corruption from the Security System. But he rightly concludes that "Rabin
is guiding Israel back to periods when the political authorities closed
their eyes to corruption of their bureaucracy on purpose. In the cover-up
of Shabak's Chief's misdeeds three claims are being voiced which sound as
if they were borrowed directly from Levi Eshkol. The first claim is that
now is not the right time. This has beeen repeated for 45 years on and on,
as if the time could ever be right. The second claim is that Shabak's
Chief is implicated in nothing very terrible... The third claim is that
the whole thing is an old story over and over again, so why should you
bother? The last claim is particulrly disturbing. Even Rabin must know
that the stories about Shabak's Chief were not dug out of the blue only
because somebody in TV wanted to revive the affair by stealth. Filth
sticks to Shabak's Chief's reputation because he has for years been a
central topic of animated conversations at Friday evening parties... The
TV did no more than to shift that topic a little: from the Shabak Chief to
Rabin's reasons for covering up his misdeeds. Therefore, when the Prime
Minister professes his unconditional confidence in Shabak's Chief, he
strains my credibility by adding to my doubts about his integrity".
Shavit goes even farther. He excoriates a segment of the media no less
than the political authorities. He perceives the media as an integral part
of the Israeli power elite until the aftermath of the Yom Kippur War in
1973, highly helpful in maintaining and concealing all the blatantly
corrupt practices of that time. (It is an insight which, I believe, any
Israeli with any integrity can only share.) The media then refused to
disclose anything inconvenient on the ground that "any such disclosure
might disrupt the peace process, or damage state security, or bring Likud
to power. But now", continues Shavit, "after the formation of the Labor-
Meretz government, things are not so simple. Now everybody is friends with
everybody, with the effect that the network of mutual friendships and
loyalties is intricate and pervasive enough to blunt public vigilance".
Shavit reminds the press that "after the Yom Kippur War it had no choice
but to acknowledge with shame the offense of its having stayed too close
to the reins of power", and he admits that it indeed distanced itself from
the establishment thereafter. "Under Likud in power this was easy. Now
they again find it difficult to be critical about the one regarded as `one
of us'. It looks like biting a hand which has showered benefits on you".
Shavit concludes that "the press strays in performing its primary duty to
disclose facts and to criticize", thus undermining its own credibility.
As a dedicated supporter of the present government, Shavit is afraid of
some still grimmer consequences of this state of affairs. "Rabin's
government will not be defeated by terror, nor by negotiations with Syria,
but it may be defeated as a result of its own insensitivity. They seem to
have never learned anything when they were in opposition. Leniency
accorded them on the ground of their being a `friendly' government cannot
last much longer, and their self-confidence stemming from their being the
public's darlings is bound to wane with time. But once this government
falls, its avowed policies which still command the great many to support
it, will fall alongside. It will then become clear not just that the press
strayed from performing its duty, but also that it thereby, most
deplorably, helped to bring this government down. The journalist `friends'
will then again be in the position to acknowledge with shame their
blunders". I take exception to Shavit's perception of Likud and Labor as
fundamentally different from each other. But I fully concur with his
anticipation that Shabak's Chief's affair may portend the coming fall of
Rabin's government, and with his indentification of that government's
insensitivity to criticism as one of the reasons of its possible fall.
But by far the best analysis of the affair has been provided by Yitzhak
La'or ("Hadashot", April 9). In addition to being a journalist, La'or is
one of the best Hebrew poets now alive. His poetic intuition might have
been helped him in crystallization of his insights; but what surely helped
him was the fact that, unlike Markus, Tzahor and Shavit, he stands in
opposition to Rabin's government, and disdains the journalists supporting
that government, calling them "a herd of flatterers". While other newsmen
have been preoccupied with Shabak's Chief's debaucheries and corrupt
practices, La'or explicitly mentions what everybody else knew without
mentioning: namely the Shabak Chief's responsibility for torturing the
suspects. He writes: "The connection between pain and pleasure is
pervasive. Maximizing pleasure to the utmost cannot but go together with
seeking power to do anything one would like, including doing anything to
others. Marquis de Sade already understood it long ago". This is why La'or
tends to perceive, for good reasons in my view, the Shabak Chief's affair
as having its roots in the period between the Israeli victory in 1967 and
the Yom Kippur War of 1973. Particularly toward the end of that period,
Israeli megalomania and the flattery of the army and intelligence by the
media reached their zenith. "We can reread old papers. For example we can
read about general Rehavam Ze'evi, then Commander of the Central Command
and his links with the underworld; about Moshe Dayan and his overt plunder
of the antiquities; about the dolce vita parties for the generals in Sinai
at which common soldiers acted as personal servants of the banqueteers. Do
you still recall how many journalists were then quick to defend the right
of the generals `to enjoy life'?". For good reasons, La'or sees the
phenomena of that time as already auguring the current apologias of
Shabak's Chief "produced by people as narrow-minded as Aloni or Sarid",
arguing that "he does not need to be a monk". La'or's conclusion is that
the Israeli elite "is comprised of people enchanted with power, which they
use in order to be able to cross its outer limits". In La'or's eyes this
is apparent both in their corruption and in Shabak's tortures.
"We should nevertheless ask ourselves", continues La'or, referring to
journalists supporting Shabak's Chief, "what is it that prompts so many
males to bow low to a male thug? Those crumbles of information which he
hurls at them? Possibly. Invitations to his parties? Possibly too. Their
desire to emulate him? Possibly again. But their willingness to flatter
him must have deeper roots. It reminds the Cabbala's notion of a descent
prerequisite for an ascent, a self-castration to be followed by
loftiness... This seems to be why the journalistic productions of the
sycophants so invariably invoke the motive of self-sacrifice. They always
tutor others to recognize that without such people at the helm, we would
be far worse-off than we are. This holds especially true now when, as that
big mouth of Israeli national kitsch, Shulamit Aloni, put it `we should
not attack the Shabak exactly when terrorism spreads'. In other words, an
idealistic excuse must be always at such times inserted to discussion of
debaucheries of a general or a Shabak agent, as if nothing had changed
since 1948. It is true that Likud had been in power for about 15 years...
It was then mandatory to detest Likud so as to show our superiority. But
what did we then do in attain superiority? Did we criticize the Security
System? It was unthinkable, because the Security System meant ourselves".
Indeed, the Security System is comprised mostly of Labor and Meretz
supporters, and the latter may well outnumber the former. Torture and
every conceivable variety of systematically inflicted brutality as devised
by the "experts" goes hand in hand with the professed wish to advance "the
peace process". Israeli Military Intelligence advises the youngsters
desirous to apply for its jobs to first attend the Givat Haviva Institute,
maintained by the Mapam party, a component of Meretz. And plenty of other
facts of the same type could be provided.
There can be no doubt that La'or's analysis, even though phrased in
poetic and introspective terms, contains a lot of truth. Israel has indeed
always been an utterly corrupt state. Even more to the point, although
Likud and the religious parties can be said to be corrupt enough, the core
of Israeli corruption is to be searched for in that segment of the public
which is politically represented by Labor and Meretz parties, and by the
Labor movement in general. Those two parties are both more totalitarian
and more racist than Likud. But to a much greater extent than Likud, Labor
and Meretz benefit from the support of the media. As Shavit observed, they
learned nothing when they were in opposition, and this is why they still
take it for granted that their slogan "only we can bring peace" can enable
them to do as they please and prevent rebellions in the ranks of their
supporters. But what held true in 1973 or even 1977, is not necessarily
true any more. Certainly, the conditions of the Palestinians in the
Territories have deteriorated rapidly under the government of Labor and
Meretz. But not only the Palestinians are now worse off. I don't wish to
compare: the hardships of Israelis bear no comparison with the horrors
which Rabin's government has inflicted upon the Palestinians. But an
Israeli government can be brought down only by the Israelis, in the first
place by Israeli Jews. As Shavit correctly views it, this government, for
all its eagerness to please the public by steps such as the mass expulsion
or the current seal-off of the Territories, is basically insensitive to
Israeli public opinion and to the deterioration in Israeli living
standards as well. This is why the Shabak Chief's affair can in my view be
regarded as an early warning signal portending the eventual fall of the
Rabin government, possibly prior to the 1996 elections.
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 1993 02:39:15 +0100
... I found the Shahak reports posted to p-net, as usual, extremely interesting.
With regard to the one about the Shin Bet, there is a minor detail that in fact
establishes a Palestinian connection of sorts with its current troubles: the
murder in the security wing of Gaza Prison in late 1989 of Khaled al-Sheikh Ali
and the subsequent, unprecedented jailing of two Shin Bet 'interrogators'.
The reason this murder was uncovered was because the Palestinian human rights
organisations Al-Haq and PHRIC, managed to act quickly enough and bring an
independent pathologist to the autopsy. This pathologist, whose name I do not
recall, then interviewed the two 'interrogators' concerned, who were completely
unaware who they were speaking with and therefore did not even try to give a
plausible story to cover up their crime. As a result it became 100% clear that
he had been murdered and this made it difficult for the prosecutor to ignore
the matter as usual, so instead they were charged with involuntarily
manslaughter or something similarly ridiculous and given the comparatively
severe sentence of several months.
Those interested in additional details should check Al-Haq, "A Nation Under
Siege: Al-Haq Annual Report on Human Rights in the Occupied Territories, 1989"
(Ramallah: Al-Haq, 1989), esp. the Intro and the sections on Autopsies and